Become a Friend of Hoveton Village Hall
During the 2020 pandemic, the hall was used extensively as a vaccination centre (once again bringing the community together albeit in difficult circumstances). Post covid, all village halls have felt the financial strain. Communities have been slow to return to their old routines and/or have changed them completely. Add to this the cost-of-living crisis and there is a perfect storm of financial challenges facing many community run assets in Norfolk including ours in Hoveton.
Currently, Hoveton Village Hall’s costs are outstripping its income and the future of the hall remains uncertain. It is for this reason Friends of Hoveton Village Hall was formed in March 2023. We are a merry band of diverse volunteers who want to raise money to ensure the hall goes on for another 72 years.
Friends of Hoveton Village Hall meet once a month (or as necessary) to discuss new ideas for the user base and groups and to organise events to raise funds for the village hall.
Come on down and join us!
New members are warmly welcomed at meetings. Email for the date of our next meeting.
Sole Trustee
Hoveton Parish Council took on the sole Trusteeship of the hall in 2016. Operationally the hall is run on a day-to-day basis by the Trustee's Management Subcommittee.
Friends of Hoveton Village Hall is a group of volunteers who work independently of the Trustees and Managment Subcommittee, but the shared aim is the support of our village hall.
How you can help
The village hall lacks volunteer capacity. In order to sustain the hall in the longer term we need people to get involved. Here is how you can do this:
1. Join the Parish Council – (Board of Trustees)
In joining the parish council, you automatically join the Hoveton Village Hall Board of Trustees.
2. Volunteer to help in the day to day running of the hall (Management Subcommittee)
Nurturing the hall is a very important task. Making sure that everything is ship shape and bristle fashion includes looking at the finer details of maintenance, health and safety and organisational tasks for the day to day running of the hall.
3. Join the Friends of Hoveton Village Hall
Join the fundraising and events committee of the village hall. Get in touch here
4. Give a donation – GoFundMe Page
We recognise that not everyone has time to give. Many people do support the hall and want to give in other ways. A GoFundMe Page has been set up so that Trustees can fund emergency repairs or meet utility bills until the regular fundraising events begin to assist in meeting the short fall in overheads. You can donate here
Barry Edwards
Hoveton Village Hall, Stalham Road, Hoveton, Norwich, NR12 8BD
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